Welcome to the webpage of COST CA15127 Action "Resilient Communication Services Protecting End-user Applications from Disaster-based Failures" (RECODIS). RECODIS is one of COST (European Cooperation in Science and Technology) Actions supported by the COST Association.
Scientific Scope
The scientific scope of COST-RECODIS is the resilience of communication networks under disaster-induced failures. Such events can seriously disrupt a communication network, making its services unavailable. They follow from natural disasters, weather-induced disruptions, technology-related failures, or malicious attacks, and they are observably increasing in number, intensity and scale. When network services that are part of a critical infrastructure become unavailable, commercial and/or societal problems are the inevitable result. This COST Action, driven by researchers from academia and industry in strong cooperation with governmental bodies, aims to fill the gap by developing appropriate solutions to provide resilient communications in the presence of disaster-based disruptions of all types for existing and future communication network architectures.
Action Chair: Jacek Rak, Gdansk University of Technology, Poland
Action Vice Chair: David Hutchison, Lancaster University, United Kingdom
RECODIS Action activities were performed between March 1, 2016, and February 29, 2020, by nearly 200 Members, including MC Members, MC Substitute Members and Regular Members from 31 COST countries.
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