Extra Call for STSMs

We are pleased to announce the extra Call for STSMs with the following


  • Deadline for STSM proposal submission: March 14, 2017 (Tuesday),
  • Deadline for announcing the decision of the STSM Committee related with the STSM proposals: March 16, 2017 (Thursday),
  • STSM period: March 19, 2017 - April 15, 2017
  • Recommended length of the STSM: up to 2 weeks

STSM submission procedure is explained below.

Short Term Scientific Missions (STSM) Procedure – 2nd Period

  • Giving possibility to Action Members (especially Early Career Investigators - ECIs) to visit other Action Members to fulfill the STSM objective
  • Estimated average duration of a single STSM: 8 days
  • Max. flat rate reimbursement per STSM per person: 960 EUR (8 x 120 EUR)
  • Recommended travel cost per participant: 380 EUR
  • Recommended total reimbursement per participant: 1340 EUR
  • Estimated number of STSMs offered in the 2nd STSM Period (10 STSMs subject to funds availability)


2nd STSM Period dates:

  • Call for STSMs (deadline: February 25, 2017; decision: March 1, 2017)
  • STSM period: March 10, 2017 – April, 15, 2017


The general rules of STSMs are defined by the COST regulations and included in COST Vademecum.


STSM Procedure (after Call for STSMs is distributed):

  1. Obtain the email agreement of the Host institution on the possibility to implement the STSM on a given title and dates.
  2. Complete the online application form at https://e-services.cost.eu/stsm including: STSM title, dates, applicant’s details and bank details, financial data for travel and subsistence expenses, Workplan Summary (also including planned outcomes).
  3. Once STSM form is completed, download the form and send as email attachment to Host institution and STSM coordinator (stsm coordinator). The email should also include documents such as: CV, list of publications, recommendation letter from Home institution, and agreement of the Host institution on the possibility to implement the STSM.
  4. STSM coordinator organizes assessment of the STSM proposal together with a leader of the particular WG.
  5. If approved, the STSM coordinator sends application and approval to Grant Holder & Action Chair.
  6. Grant Holder sends applicant Grant Letter to sign and return. The STSM should not be started until this letter has been signed and returned.
  7. STSM is implemented.
  8. The grantee is required to submit a Scientific Report (3-5 pages) to the Host institution, STSM coordinator and WG leader for approval within 14 days after the end date of the STSM containing:
    • STSM title;
    • STSM Applicant;
    • Host;
    • Period;
    • Working group;
    • Purpose of the STSM;
    • Description of the work carried out during the STSM;
    • Description of the main results obtained;
    • Future collaboration with the Host institution (if applicable);
    • Foreseen publications/articles resulting from the STSM (if applicable);
    • Other comments (if any).
  9. Failure to submit the Scientific Report within 14 days will effectively cancel the grant.
  10. The approval of the Scientific Report by the Host institution and WG leader is sent to the STSM coordinator.
  11. STSM coordinator is responsible for final approval of the Scientific Report and informing the Grant Holder that the STSM has been successfully accomplished.
  12. After receipt of the approval of the Scientific Report by email from STSM coordinator, the Grant Holder will execute the payment of the grant.
  13. Grant Holder executes payment to Applicant.
  14. STSM information and report is published at: http://www.cost-recodis.eu/index.php/stsms