RECODIS is structured into five following Working Groups (WGs):
WG1: Large-scale natural disasters with the objective to provide methodology to improve the resilience of networks to the negative effects of natural disasters resulting in multiple correlated failures (with special focus on earthquakes, volcano eruptions, hurricanes, tornadoes, floods, fires, or electromagnetic storms) occurring relatively rarely but covering large areas and causing non-temporary significant negative effects such as collapse of buildings with network nodes located inside them). Outcomes of WG1 will be of particular importance for the core (international / national) communications infrastructure (e.g. those based on optical communications).
WG Leader: Teresa Gomes (University of Coimbra, PT)
WG Vice-leader: Janos Tapolcai (Budapest University of Technology and Economics, HU)
WG2: Weather-based disruptions focusing on the end-to-end transmission continuity solutions in the presence of those weather-based disruptions that lead to temporary (but frequent) degradation of network performance characteristics (with special focus on negative effects of heavy rain fall, fog, etc.), resulting e.g., in remarkable reduction of available capacity of wireless links due to signal attenuation e.g., in the presence of heavy rain. Time periods of a negative factor influence to be considered by WG2 are thus typically shorter than those to be investigated by WG1. However, even such short time periods of disruptions (measured in terms of minutes / hours) are often critical due to their high frequency of occurrence. Problems considered by WG2 are mostly related to access networks (local and metropolitan), which form an important part of the global communications infrastructure.
WG Leader: Massimo Tornatore (Politecnico di Milano, IT)
WG Vice-leader: Rasa Bruzgiene (Kaunas University of Technology, LT)
WG3: Technology-related disasters having a direct impact on communication networks performance degradation after failures of network nodes and links with duration measured in terms of hours or even days (e.g., as a direct consequence of power blackouts). Solutions to be proposed by WG3 also include techniques for utilization of alternate communication technologies, as well as ability to use alternate power supplies to mitigate the occurrence of such cascading failures.
WG Leader: Carmen Mas Machuca (Technical University of Munich, DE)
WG Vice-leader: Stefano Secci (Université Pierre et Marie Curie, FR)
WG4: Malicious human activities with the aim to provide the appropriate means to protect the networks against malicious human activities (e.g., cyber and physical attacks) that lead to the failure (usually multiple and correlated) of important network elements (for instance high-capacity links, nodes of high processing capability, or being important forwarders of the content due to their localization in the network topology). Therefore, one of the objectives of WG4 will be thus to provide, e.g., new routing algorithms and link cost metrics (with the objective to decrease the vulnerability of important flows to attack-based disruptions), as well as methodologies of network topology update to decrease the topological vulnerability of networks to attacks.
WG Leader: Marija Furdek (KTH Kungliga Tekniska Högskolan, SE)
WG Vice-leader: Amaro de Sousa (Universidade de Aveiro / Instituto de Telecomunicações, PT)
WG5: Oversight across WGs with the objective to identify possible intersecting and overlapping activities (with respect to WG1-WG4), and to provide general principles, challenges, definitions, as well as architecture and mechanisms of disaster-resistant communication systems.
WG Leader: Paul Smith (Austrian Institute of Technology, AT)
WG Vice-leader: Matthias Gunkel (Deutsche Telekom Technik, DE)